George Agrotis


Georgios is a Radiologist who graduated from the University of Larissa, Greece. During his residency, he developed a keen interest in oncology imaging, focusing on prostate MRI and innovative interventional procedures for the prostate. He holds a master’s degree in Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Protection and earned a PhD in prostate cancer imaging. Since February 2023, Georgios has been an ESOR Research Fellow in the Radiology Department. As of 2024, he is a Fellow in “Imaging of Cancer” at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, under the mentorship of Prof. Ivo Schoots and Prof. Regina Beets-Tan. During his fellowship, he contributed to numerous research projects and updated the Radiology Assistant website with the new PI-RADS v2.1 guidelines on prostate cancer imaging. Georgios is an active member of several professional societies, including the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR), the European Society of Radiology (ESR), and the European School of Radiology (ESOR).